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# Sefer - ספר Author - מחבר Publication - דפוס
51 Click here to download the sefer. Hegayon HaNefesh - הגיון הנפש R' Avraham Bar Chiya Savasorda - ר' אברהם בר חייא הנשיא Leipzig, 1860 - לייפציג, תרכ"ה
Sefer Hegayon HaNefesh, by one of the great Rishonim of the early 12th century, Rabeinu Avraham Bar Chiya HaNasi Savasorda, is a philosophical mussar book. It is known in English as The Meditation of the Sad Soul. This is the first edition of this sefer, and it comes with a very long introduction by Rav Shlomo Rapaport, the Rav of Prague in the middle 19th century, and with a biography of R' Avraham Bar Chiya, written by the publisher, Yitzchak Frieman.
52 Click here to download the sefer. Or Hashem - אור השם R' Chasdai Crescas - ר' חסדאי קרשקש Ferrara, 1555 - פיררא, שט"ו
Or Hashem is a major philosophical work written by one of the great Rishonim of the 14th century, from Spain, Rabeinu Chasdai Crescas who was the student of the Ran, and the rebbe of the Rivash and Rabeinu Yosef Albo, the author of Sefer HaIkkarim. In Or Hashem, R' Chasdai Crescas rejects all kinds of Greek philosophy and many ideas of the Rambam and the Ralbag. He redefines the Principles of Faith, of which there are 6 and not 13 as the Rambam wrote. Or Hashem parallels the Rambam's Moreh Nevuchim and the Ralbag's MIlchamos Hashem. This is the first edition of this sefer published in Ferrara, Italy in 1555.
53 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer HaTapuach - ספר התפוח Aristotle - אריסטו
R' Avraham Bar Chisdai - ר' אברהם בר חסדאי הלוי
Lemberg, 1873 - למברג, תרל"ג
Sefer HaTapuach is a philosophical work about the immortality of the soul, written by Aristotle and translated from Arabic into Hebrew by one of the great Rishonim, Rabeinu Avraham Bar Chisdai HaLevi. This edition comes with a German translation by J. Musen.
54 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer HaChibur - ספר החיבור
Sefer HaMatzref - ספר המצרף
R' Berachyah Bar Natronai HaNakdan - ר' ברכיה בר נטרונאי הנקדן London, 1902 - לונדון, תרס"ב
55 Click here to download the sefer. The Compendum
The Refiner
Translated by Hermann Gollancz London, 1902
Sefer HaChibur and Sefer HaMatzref by Rabeinu Berachyah Bar Natronai HaNakdan are both ethical works similar to Chovos HaLevavos by Rabeinu Bachya Ibn Pakuda, and are based on the views of Rabeinu Saadiah Gaon and other Gaonim. Rabeinu Berachyah Bar Natronai HaNakdan was one of the great Rishonim of the late 12th and early 13th centuries. Rabeinu Berachyah is mostly known for his fables called Mishlei Shualim (#230) and he is known as the Jewish Aesop. This edition has both the original Hebrew texts and an excellent English translation with a very extensive introduction and notes, by Prof. Hermann Gollancz. Also, it contains photos of some pages from the original manuscripts of these seforim. We have split up the 2 parts of the book (Original Hebrew and English Introduction and Translation) into separate files, so that they are easier to read.
56 Click here to download the sefer. Divan Shmuel HaNagid - דיואן שמואל הנגיד R' Shmuel HaNagid - ר' שמואל הנגיד London, 1934 - לונדון, תרצ"ד
Divan Shmuel HaNagid is a collection of poems of Rabeinu Shmuel HaNagid, one of the great Rishonim of the 11th century, the prime minister of Spain, and famous for his work Mevoh HaTalmud. The Divan is divided into three parts, Ben Tehilim, Ben Mishlei, and Ben Koheles, each discussing corresponding themes to these books of Tanach. This is the first and only complete edition of the Divan, which comes with a very extensive introduction by David Sasoon, based on a single existing manuscript from the Sasoon Collection, published in London, 1934.
57 Click here to download the sefer. Mishneh Kesef, Vol. 1 - משנה כסף, חלק א R' Yosef Ibn Kaspi - ר' יוסף אבן כספי Pressburg, 1905 - פרעסבורג, תרס"ה
58 Click here to download the sefer. Mishneh Kesef, Vol. 2 - משנה כסף, חלק ב R' Yosef Ibn Kaspi - ר' יוסף אבן כספי Cracow, 1906 - קרקא, תרס"ו
Mishneh Kesef is a kabbalistic, ethical and philosophical commentary on Chumash, written by on of the great Rishonim, Rabeinu Yosef Ibn Kaspi. It consists of two parts: Tiras Kesef - Sefer HaSod and Matzref LeKesef. Tiras Kesef is a kabbalistic commentary on Chumash that discusses a whole sefer of Chumash at once instead of going Parsha by Parsha, specifically paying attention to the stories and not to laws. Matzref LeKesef is a commentary on the simple meaning, similar to Rashi and Ibn Ezra, but with a different twist, and does not have any kabbalistic interpretations. This is the first and only edition of this sefer, edited by Yitzchok Last.
59 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 1 - המסורה, חלק א C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
60 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 2 - המסורה, חלק ב C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
61 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 3 - המסורה, חלק ג C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
62 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 4 - המסורה, חלק ד C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
63 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 5 - המסורה, חלק ה C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
64 Click here to download the sefer. The Massorah, Vol. 6 - המסורה, חלק ו C. D. Ginsburg - כ. ד. גינצבורג London, 1880 - לונדון, תר"מ
The Massorah is an encyclopedic work siting all various readings of the Tanach from different manuscripts through out the world. In the first four volumes, the original text of the masorah (in Hebrew) is arranged alphabetically with many additional notes drawn from manuscripts. The fifth volume contains supplements, and some masoretic tractates. The sixth volume renders into English all Hebrew entries of the first volume up to the letter "yod," with explanatory notes. Christian David Ginsburg himself was a Jewish apostate who originally learned in the Yeshivas of Poland but later converted to Christianity (thus adopting the name Christian) and moved to England. Inspite of his personal status his works are still cited and used by many present day talmidei chachamim and serve as an invaluable work towards preserving the massorah of the correct text of Tanach.
65 Click here to download the sefer. Mekor Chayim - מקור חיים R' Shlomo Ibn Gabirol - ר' שלמה אבן גבירול Tel Aviv, 1949 - תל אביב, תש"י
Sefer Mekor Chayim is a very famous philosophical work adhering to the Neoplatonic school of thought, written by one of our great Rishonim, Rabeinu Shlomo Ibn Gabirol. Mekor Chayim is written as a dialog between a teacher and a student and it is divided into five parts which primarily discuss the principles of matter and form. The first part is a preliminary clarification of the notions of universal matter and form. The second part contains a description of the spiritual matter that underlies corporeal form. The third is devoted to demonstrating the existence of simple substances. The fourth deals with the form and matter of simple substances, and the fifth, with universal form and matter as they exist in themselves. Mekor Chayim has suffered a very interesting fate, primarily due to the fact thta it doesn't refer to any Jewish sources, like Tanach and the Talmud. R' Shlomo Ibn Gabirol originally wrote it in Arabic, and although many Rishonim quote it, the original text got lost. In the 12th century it was translated into Latin and was preserved by Franciscan monks in its Latin translation, under the title Fons Vitae (Fountain of Life) written by Avicebron, which was a corruption of Ibn Gabirol's name. For centuries people thought that Avicebron was a Muslim. In the 19th century, Solomon Munk discovered excerpts from Mekor Chayim, translated into Hebrew, by R' Shem Tov Falaquera, and that finally identified the real author of Fons Vitae. In the 1940s, Fons Vitae was translated back into Hebrew from the Latin, by Yaakov Belovstein. This is the first edition of Mekor Chayim and it contains the Hebrew translation from Latin, plus the excerpts by R' Shem Tov Falaquera, both of which are printed with nekudos.
66 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer HaYirah - ספר היראה
Sod HaTeshuva - סוד התשובה
Karban Taanis - קרבן תענית
Iggeres HaTeshuva - אגרת התשובה
Drashas HaNashim - דרשת הנשים
R' Yona Ibn Gerondi - ר' יונה אבן גירונדי Amsterdam, 1627 - אמסטרדם, שפ"ז
This is a compilation of five famous works by one of our great Rishonim, Rabeinu Yonah Ibn Gerondi, from Spain. The common theme of Sefer HaYirah, Sod HaTeshuva and Iggeres HaTeshuva, is that they all dicuss repentance, ethics and proper behavior. Karban Taanis is a set of prayers tha are supposed to help a person to repent and Drashas HaNashim is a short essay addressed to women that discusses how they should keep the laws of family purity and shalom bayis. This edition has been edited by Rav Shalom ben Yosef Gallego, who wrote the introductory poem on the first page and printed by the great Rav of Amsterdam, Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael. It contains nekudos for all of the seforim.
67 Click here to download the sefer. Maaneh Lashon - מענה לשון R' Yitzchak Uziel - ר' יצחק עוזיאל Amsterdam, 1627 - אמסטרדם, שפ"ז
Sefer Maaneh Lashon is a work on Hebrew grammar by the great Rav of Amsterdam, Rabeinu Yitzchak Uziel, who was the Rebbi of Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael, who printed this sefer in his printing press in 1627. On the last two pages there is a Spanish translation of grammtical terms by R' Uziel's student Yitzchak Nechemiah.
68 Click here to download the sefer. Imrei Noam - אמרי נועם R' Yosef Shalom Gallego - ר' יוסף שלום גליגו Amsterdam, 1628 - אמסטרדם, שפ"ח
Imrei Noam is a collection of devotional poems for the festivals, fast days, weddings, and circumcisions, compiled by Rav Yosef Shalom Gallego, the chazan of Amsterdam, and published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael. It contains a prayer written by the Ramban for people who go out to sea.
69 Click here to download the sefer. Penei Rabah - פני רבה R' Menashe Ben Yisrael - ר' מנשה בן ישראל Amsterdam, 1628 - אמסטרדם, שפ"ח
Penei Rabah is a mafteach (concordance) and a commentary on Midrash Rabah on Tanach, written and published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael. This edition also contains two poems written by the Mahari Avuhab. The quality of this particular scan is some what low and some parts are not very readable.
70 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer Eilim - ספר אלים
Meein Chasom - מעין חתום
Mayan Ganim - מעיין גנים
Chukos Shamayim - חוקות שמים
Gevuros Hashem - 'גבורות ה
R' Yosef Shlomo Delmedigo - ר' יוסף שלמה דלמדיגו Amsterdam, 1629 - אמסטרדם, שפ"ט
This edition is a compilation of a few works by Rav Yosef Shlomo Delmedigo, known as Rofe MeCandia (Doctor from Crete), who besides being a Rav and a Mekubal, was a famous doctor, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher. Sefer Eilim is a response to 12 general and 70 specific religious and scientific questions sent to Delmedigo by a karaite Jew, Zerach Ben Nasan from Troki (Lithuania). Meein Chasom is the second part of Sefer Eilim that contains the 70 questions and answers. Mayan Ganim is a continuation of Sefer Eilim to answer the questions of Zerach Ben Nasan. It consists of the following short treatises: on trigonometry, on the first two books of the Almagest, on astronomy, on astronomical instruments, on Kabbalah (mainly the Ari) and the supernatural, on astrology, on algebra, on chemistry, on the aphorism of Hippocrates, on the opinion of the ancients concerning the substance of the heavens, on the astronomy of the ancients, who considered the motion of the higher spheres due to spirits (Delmedigo shows that their motion is similar to that of the earth), on the principles of religion, and mathematical paradoxes. Chukos Shamayim is a part of Mayan Ganim that deals with the first two books of the Almagest. Gevuros Hashem is a treatise on astronomy. This edition contains a portrait of Rav Yosef Shlomo Delmedigo and was published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael.
71 Click here to download the sefer. Zecher Rav - זכר רב R' Benyamin Mussafia - ר' בנימין מוספיה Amsterdam, 1635 - אמסטרדם, שצ"ה
Zecher Rav by Rav Benyamin Mussafia from Amsterdam, who is mostly known for his commentary on the Aruch, is a poetic compilation in which he recounts the history of the creation in such a way that all the Hebrew roots of the Chumash and most of their derivatives occur but once. He wrote it as a dedication to his wife, Sarah, who passed away only six years after they got married. This is the first edition of this sefer, published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael.
72 Click here to download the sefer. Sefer Minhagim - ספר מנהגים R' Yitzchak Tyrnau - ר' יצחק טירנאו Amsterdam, 1635 - אמסטרדם, שצ"ה
Sefer Minhagim by one of the great late Rishonim, Rabeinu Yitzchak Tyrnau from Austria, who was a contemporary of the Maharil, is a compendium of halachos and customs for the whole year of Jews from Poland, Ruthenia, Lithuania, Bohemia, Moravia and Germany. The sefer contains notes from an anonymous Rav from Hungary which were written prior to the first edition of this sefer that came out in 1566, which already contained these notes. This particular edition was published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael.
73 Click here to download the sefer. Pisron Chalomos - פתרון חלומות R' Shlomo Almoli - ר' שלמה אלמולי Amsterdam, 1637 - אמסטרדם, שצ"ז
Pisron Chalomos is a sefer about dreams, by Rabeinu Shlomo Almoli, who was a Rav in Constantinople in the early 1500s. In it he classifies dreams by categories and gives rules for their interpretation, which are primarily based on Chazal. This particular edition was published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael.
74 Click here to download the sefer. Sheivet Yehuda - שבט יהודה R' Shlomo Ibn Verga - ר' שלמה אבן וירגה Amsterdam, 1638 - אמסטרדם, שצ"ח
Sheivet Yehuda is a compilation of accounts of the persecutions undergone by the Jews from the destruction of the Second Temple until the time of Rabeinu Shlomo Ibn Verga, who was a contemporary of the Abarbanel. This edition was published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael. The quality of this particular scan is some what low and some parts are not very readable.
75 Click here to download the sefer. Seder HaMaamados - סדר המעמדות R' Avraham Saraval - ר' אברהם סרוואל Amsterdam, 1646 - אמסטרדם, ת"ו
Seder HaMaamados is a compilation of various excerpts from the Tanach and Talmud and prayers that a Jew is supposed to say every single day. It is divided into seven sections according to the days of the week. This edition contains a commentary by Rav Avraham Saraval, who was a Rav in Venice the 16th century. It was published by Rabeinu Menashe Ben Yisrael.

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